var images = new Array("1.jpg","2.jpg","3.jpg","4.jpg","5.jpg","6.jpg","21.jpg","94.jpg","8.jpg"); var descriptions = new Array("Title A|This is the description A","Title B|This is the description B","Title C|This is the description C","Title D|This is the description D","Title E|This is the description E","Title F|This is the description F","Title G|This is the description G","Title H|This is the description H","Title I|This is the description I");
start the current_pos at 1 because onLoad current_pos would be 0
if you change this to zero, and click NEXT, nothing will happen.
var current_pos = 0;
function setDescription(pos)
/* Get the Description of the image selected */
var lgimage_desc = document.getElementById("lgimage_desc");
var string = descriptions[pos].split("|");
var text = ""+ string[0] +"
\n" + string[1];
lgimage_desc.innerHTML = text;
function initiate_gallery( )
/* Get the first 5 images from the images Array */
for (var x=0; x<5; x++)
// get each thumbnail
var tempimage = document.getElementById("image" + (x+1));
tempimage.src= "photos/photoAlbum/thumbnails/" + images[x];
// set large image to the 3rd item.
if (x == 2) { set_large_image(x); setDescription(x); }
function centerImage(clickedImagePos)
/* center the clicked image */
case 1: current_pos=current_pos-2; break;
case 2: current_pos=current_pos-1; break;
case 3: current_pos=current_pos; break;
case 4: current_pos=current_pos+1; break;
case 5: current_pos=current_pos+2; break;
if (current_pos > images.length) {current_pos = current_pos - images.length;}
else if (current_pos < 0) {current_pos = current_pos + images.length;}
var subcounter = 1;
for (var x=current_pos; x= images.length)
// we have reached the end of the array
tempimage.src="photos/photoAlbum/thumbnails/" +images[(x - images.length)];
if (subcounter == 3) { set_large_image((x-images.length)); setDescription(x-images.length); }
tempimage.src="photos/photoAlbum/thumbnails/" +images[x];
if (subcounter == 3) { set_large_image(x); setDescription(x);}
function set_large_image(position)
var largeimage = document.getElementById("lgimage");
largeimage.src= "photos/photoAlbum/" + images[position];
function next_image()
if (current_pos == 8) current_pos = 0;
else ++current_pos;
// Move all the images to the left.
var subcounter = 1;
for (var x=current_pos; x= images.length)
// we have reached the end of the array
tempimage.src="photos/photoAlbum/thumbnails/" +images[(x - images.length)];
if (subcounter == 3) { set_large_image((x-images.length)); setDescription(x-images.length); }
tempimage.src="photos/photoAlbum/thumbnails/" +images[x];
if (subcounter == 3) { set_large_image(x); setDescription(x);}
function prev_image()
if (current_pos == 0) current_pos = 8;
else --current_pos;
// move all images to the right.
var subcounter = 1;
for (var x=current_pos; x <= current_pos+4; x++)
var tempimage = document.getElementById("image"+subcounter);
if (x < 0)
// we have reached the end of the array
tempimage.src="photos/photoAlbum/thumbnails/" +images[(images.length + x)];
if (subcounter == 3) {set_large_image((images.length +x)); setDescription(images.length +x);}
else if (x >= images.length)
// we have reached the end of the array
tempimage.src="photos/photoAlbum/thumbnails/" +images[(x - images.length)];
if (subcounter == 3) { set_large_image((x-images.length)); setDescription(x-images.length); }
tempimage.src="photos/photoAlbum/thumbnails/" +images[x];
if (subcounter == 3) {set_large_image(x); setDescription(x);}
function getImageArray()
// Display Image src of the images showing.
var displayimage = document.getElementById("output");
var image1 = document.getElementById("image1");
var image2 = document.getElementById("image2");
var image3 = document.getElementById("image3");
var image4 = document.getElementById("image4");
var image5 = document.getElementById("image5");
var text;
text = "image 1: " + image1.src + " ( "+(current_pos)+" )
if (current_pos+1 >= images.length) text +="image 2: " + image2.src + " ( "+(current_pos+1-images.length)+" )
else text +="image 2: " + image2.src + " ( "+(current_pos+1)+" )
if (current_pos+2 >= images.length) text +="image 3: " + image3.src + " ( "+(current_pos+2-images.length)+" )
else text +="image 3: " + image3.src + " ( "+(current_pos+2)+" )
if (current_pos+3 >= images.length) text +="image 4: " + image4.src + " ( "+(current_pos +3-images.length)+" )
else text +="image 4: " + image4.src + " ( "+(current_pos +3)+" )
if (current_pos+4 >= images.length) text +="image 4: " + image4.src + " ( "+(current_pos +4-images.length)+" )
else text +="image 5: " + image5.src + " ( "+(current_pos +4)+" )
displayimage.innerHTML = text;