name:Federal Express Account #:FedExAccount Meter #:FedExMeter *Ship Order From:
This information is used for FedEx distance calculations
and will impact on the accuracy of rates if not correct. Province/State:Province Country:Country Postal/Zip Code:Postal *Package Defaults:
These defaults will be used in the FedEx calculations for shipping products. Please use best guess sizes for the most common package size (inches) and weight (pounds).
Note - For Fedex Ground the girth + length must not exceed 165 inches (419 cm). Product Weight Units:weightUnits[Standard (pounds);LBS,Metric (kilograms);KGS] Product Size Units:sizeUnits[Standard (inches);IN,Metric (centimeters);CM] Small Box Width:smallBoxWidth Small Box Length:smallBoxLength Small Box Height:smallBoxHeight Medium Box Width:mediumBoxWidth Medium Box Length:mediumBoxLength Medium Box Height:mediumBoxHeight Large Box Width:largeBoxWidth Large Box Length:largeBoxLength Large Box Height:largeBoxHeight