name:UPS Rating User ID:$upsUserID Password:$upsPassword Access Key:$upsAccessKey Customer Rates Classification:customerClassificationCode[Daily Rates;01,Rates Associated with Account ID;00,Retail Rates;04] Negotiated Rates:negotiatedRates[Enabled;enabled,Disabled;disabled] Pickup Type:pickupType[Daily Pickup;01,Customer Counter;03,One Time Pickup;06] Production/Test Mode:gatewayMode[Test Mode;test,Production Mode;production] Product Weight Unit of Measurement:weightUnits[Pounds;LBS,Kilograms;KGS] Pad UPS Rate (enter dollar amount) $:padShippingCost Mark up percentage %:markupRate *Shipper Address Information:
This information is required by UPS to specify the shipper's details. This could be different or the same as the "Shipping From Address" address. If shipments start at this address then please leave the "Shipping From Address" information blank. Address 1:shipperAddress1 Address 2 (additional info, preferably room or floor #):shipperAddress2 Address 3 (additional info, preferably department name):shipperAddress3 City:shipperCity State/Province Code (abbreviation):shipperStateProvinceCode Postal/Zip Code:shipperPostalCode Country Code (US for USA, CA for Canada):shipperCountryCode *Shipping From Address Information:
This information is optional to specify the location of where the shipment will start from. Please leave all fields blank if shipments are sent from the above address information. Company Name:shipFromCompanyName Address 1:shipFromAddress1 Address 2 (additional info, preferably room or floor #):shipFromAddress2 Address 3 (additional info, preferably department name):shipFromAddress3 City:shipFromCity State/Province Code (abbreviation):shipFromStateProvinceCode Postal/Zip Code:shipFromPostalCode Country Code (US for USA, CA for Canada):shipFromCountryCode